
The mission of First Presbyterian Church is  to form disciples who are  invested in reflecting the love of Christ Jesus to the world.

Church Street Cafe

A ministry of hospitality, we provide groceries to our community neighbors on the second Tuesday of each month.  We completed a summary report in May 2021 which summarizes this outreach ministry over its first five years.


Mission Grants

Each year we invite a dozen or so past mission partners to apply for grants which we fund from our Mission Endowment.  Three grants are usually awarded, each in the $2,000 range, for specific projects in the local community, regionally, and sometimes to missionary partners in Northwest Haiti.

Five Cents a Meal Grants

We participate in this program of the Holston Presbytery, collecting an offering the last Sunday each month which is sent to the Presbytery.  We apply for grants from this program each year to support food or water projects from local, regional, or international mission partners.

KARM Corners of Your Field

We encourage our church members and friends to donate used but usable household goods and clothing to the Knox Area Rescue Ministries in the name of our church.  KARM then sends us gift cards to their thrift stores, which we give to our Church Street Café guests. 

Neighborhood Center Necessities Pantry

We collect items donated by our church members and friends and deliver them to the Necessities Pantry at the Jefferson County Neighborhood Center.  Low income families who are applying for Food Stamps and other assistance can obtain basic items like shampoo, soap, toilet paper, etc. that we donate to the Center.  These are necessities of life that cannot be purchased with Food Stamps, and are much appreciated by the recipients.

Prayer Shawl Ministry (Sit and Knit)

We have a dedicated group of knitters who produce shawls and scarves and baby blankets which are given to those in need of them due to illness or loss.  Anyone in the congregation can request an item, which is given or sent to the recipient with a card signed by church members who are praying for that person.